I am totally new to blogging but through this journey, I have felt an overwhelming need to write about my experiences. I hope that my story is helpful, interesting and moving to those who read it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Safe Delivery of Newborns

Due to recent events in the news, I must address the Safe Delivery of Newborns Law.  It is a law that has saved the lives of innocent babies and brought joy to many families waiting to adopt. Like most laws, it is not perfect.  I do believe that 72 hours is not enough of a grace period.  However, I know for a fact that it has worked and will continue to work.  I just think that there needs to be some consideration when children older than 72 hours are brought in to a safe place as well.  I'm not saying that it should be allowed for parents to drop off a child or children at any age and under any circumstance but I do think things should be looked at on a case by case basis when this does occur.

I know that if a birthmother went to an adoption agency with a toddler instead of a safe delivery location, there would be no charges brought against her for doing so.  It would be complicated and she'd have to own up to her choices instead of being allowed to be anonymous but it can be done.  Adoption plans do not necessarily have to happen during pregnancy or at the time of delivery.  It is most common for it to happen like that but adoption plans can be made at any time.  If a parent feels unfit, then they should seek help regardless.  There may be services that the agency can offer to assist the mother or father to be able to handle parenting or if adoption is the ultimate plan, they can definitely handle that.

I just don't think that these choices are talked about enough.  I know that the Safe Delivery law gets talked about in instances of babies being found in dumpsters like last week but let's talk about it regularly so that more and more people learn about it.  I know a couple of families directly affected by this law and it is a blessing!  Babies that may otherwise have no chance in life, are given an opportunity to have a loving family who wants them more than anything else in life.  So,talk about adoption and talk about the Safe Delivery law and pray that no more babies are found in dumpsters.

Thanks so much!