I am totally new to blogging but through this journey, I have felt an overwhelming need to write about my experiences. I hope that my story is helpful, interesting and moving to those who read it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We are officially licensed!

We got our official foster license from the state yesterday in the mail.  I am feeling very positive and excited.  I feel like we are ready for anything.  All of the doors are open now and we are awaiting God's plan.  For the last 10 months or so I keep saying, any day now, it could happen any day now.  It gets exhausting waiting and hoping but I have faith that any day now (be it tomorrow or another 10 months) we will welcome another child or children into our family.  We are all as ready as we can be.  I know it's been hard for me and my husband but just imagine what it's like for a child, who was 5 when this all started and is 6 now.  A week is an eternity to a child, so imagine how long this past year has felt of waiting to be a brother.  He is such a wonderful loving boy and is going to be the best brother to whatever lucky child comes to our family.  He says now that we have our license we just have to each say 3 prayers a day and our baby will come.  He comes up with all kinds of different ideas on how to get our child to us.  I'm willing to try them all, never hurts to pray!
So, if you read this and have any faith, say 3 prayers for us.  Thanks!