I am totally new to blogging but through this journey, I have felt an overwhelming need to write about my experiences. I hope that my story is helpful, interesting and moving to those who read it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A failed match

About 7 years ago we got a call from the agency that there was a unique situation where a birthmother of a 1 and 2 year old wanted to give her children up for adoption.  She was a young mother and was struggling to give her children what she knew they deserved.  She had looked at our book and had wanted to meet my husband and I to interview us.  Of course we agreed to meet with her.
We were super nervous going into it but confident in what we had to offer.  The meeting went really well and we felt more and more at ease the more we talked.  We left there feeling really good about the situation and hoping that she would choose us to adopt her children.  Not long after, we got a call that we were chosen and set up a time to meet the children. We met them at their apartment and spent some time with them and the birthmother.  The next visit we spent time alone with the kids and eventually we got to take them to our house and for overnights.  It was all going very well.  The birthfather was not involved and his rights had been terminated but there was some concern about his parents wanting the children.  The birthmother though had been very against them having the kids and really wanted us to adopt them.  The kids would have still had a relationship with their birthmother in this open adoption situation.
It was the day of the court hearing to terminate her parental rights and the birthmom asked us to watch the kids while she went to court to sign off her rights as a parent.  I had to work that day so my husband was home with the kids.  I got a call from my husband that the agency called and said she did not go thru with it and we had to return the kids to the agency right away.  WHAT????
I can still remember the feeling of my heart breaking at that moment.  I had to make up something to leave work and get home ASAP so that I could go with my husband to take the kids back.  It was so shocking!  We walked into the agency and took the kids over to their mom and she couldn't say a word.  Of course, I don't blame her, there's nothing she could have or should have said at that point.  We were trying to keep it together for the kid's sake because they didn't understand what had been going on anyway, being only 1 & 2 years old.  It took a lot of time and a lot of tears to get thru those next days and weeks.
Eventually, these things that we have to go thru make more sense but when it's happening you don't see beyond the pain.  It's something that my husband and I will never forget and something that made us stronger together.  I still think of and pray for those kids and their mom and wish them nothing but the best.  These kids were not meant to be ours because God had a special gift coming for us, we just didn't know it yet.  Everything happens for a reason!

Thanks for reading!

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